28 March 2012

personal:: the perfect travel companion+what she's wearing, pt. 2

we leave alabama tomorrow, for ontario! with the mild weather i've heard about, i'm not sure whether charlottes. will have to layer again, or continue to wear her dresses... i'm prepared for anything, since momma did a bunch of shopping for charlottes. while we were home! here's a few shots i took of charlottes. this past week...

 i'm loving the colored denim trend and think these capris momma bought are just darling. 

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this was the chilliest morning we've had in the south... i wanted to see charlottes. wear her new romper, so, layers were the answer!

bebe. loves "SMIM-MIN!!!" so we took advantage of a sunny day and let her play with the hose. it was cold, but, she loved it. i guess she's thick-blooded like a true canuck.

this dress was made for and worn by marks.' mum, charlottes.' gran! it's absolutely precious; i love the simplicity, and how british my bebe. looks when she wears it. 

here's one of my faves that my mom saved from my childhood. i wore this dress; momma says she didn't make it, but, someone put a lot of work into it, though! the pictures following this one demonstrate a combination of my/charlottes.' accessorizing... the jacket is new and was my choice for her to wear. she insisted on wearing her backpack and sunglasses, too.

lastly, just thought i'd post a pic taken of me+bebes., taken this week at our family portrait session at the botanical gardens. i got momma to snap this shot of us together. love it.

20 March 2012

personal:: the perfect travel companion, and what she's wearing

we just left last thursday, but, we've already fit a lot into our time here in alabama! the weather has been beautiful and charlottes. has been wearing dresses and sandals almost everyday. here are some favorite shots from this past week... i just had to share.

this shot was taken on our layover in minneapolis. since easter is around the corner, charlottes.' travel outfit included her bunny sweater i bought last year at the salvation army thrift store. it's one of my favorite things in her wardrobe, and perfect for springtime in BC right now. she won't wear it again until we're in ontario at the end of the month. yay for some balmy/hot weather!

the dress below was made 80+ years ago and originally worn by my mawmaw, who turned 84 on saturday. mawmaw saved the dress and passed it on to my mom, who dressed both my sister and me in it as toddlers, then passed it on to me. i don't get sentimentally attached to a lot of things, but, this dress is one of them. charlottes. helped celebrate mawmaw's special day by wearing her dress paired with some fisherman's sandals i bought last fall at value village. i'm wondering if her foot will outgrow them by the time we get springtime in canada...

i grabbed this last shot of bebe. talking on the phone to aunty-friend~*. charlottes. has been relishing in the joy of bare feet in this warmer climate. her little chambray dress was an old navy sale purchase. i picked up a size larger than she is currently fitting so she can wear it this summer and next. she's wearing a lot of blue right now, something i didn't realize 'til this post. but, hey, when you've got baby blues like her's, how can you not?

12 March 2012

commercial:: green flora greenhouses, ltd.

yesterday afternoon was an uncommonly dry and sunny day for march in BC, so, marks. and i decided to get out and start cleaning up our flower beds. we'd seen a bit on tv over the weekend about plants and growing gardens and i think the bug has bit at least one of us [i'm a reluctant participant and don't do well taking orders on how to weed, but, marks. is a patient job foreman :-).]. i very much enjoy the finished product, though, and cannot wait to see how our property takes shape in the next few weeks.

today is back to normal and the rain is falling; there's even threat of windstorms! it's nearly naptime for me, but, i wanted to share some images i was hired to shoot last spring for my friends, peter and karen, who own and operate green flora greenhouses, ltd. they needed web images and let me have free reign to shoot whatever struck my fancy; we had a fun family shoot in the greenhouse, as well... even though people are far and above my favorite subject, i relished this opportunity to stretch myself a little bit creatively. plants make for very patient and easy-going subjects, it turns out. i don't think any of them were stressed by how they looked, either ;-).

these images make me ready for spring! hope they inspire you to look around and enjoy some growing things in your life.

you can find out more about green flora HERE.