16 April 2012

langley, BC, family session:: british and beugelink

as a photographer, there are some people you meet who you secretly [and sometimes, not-so-secretly ;-)] wish would hire you. this session was definitely one on my inner "wishlist" for a while now... we met earl and sue a few years ago when we first moved to BC; earl's brother is marks.' business partner, roy... marks. and i always love crossing paths with them and their kids; we would love our family to be as wonderful as theirs' in another 20 years or so [and let's be honest, we wouldn't complain if we look half as good as earl and sue at their age.]. so, what finally compelled sue to contact me about a session together? she is a brit and her folks hopped the pond late this winter for a visit, so, they wanted to document the event with family portraits. hooray! so, it became one of my favorite kinds of family sessions, with extended relatives, and i had the opportunity to capture a variety of family interactions... the day itself was incredibly unpredictable, snowing at the beginning of our shoot, then bright sun, and finally a little cloud cover. thankfully, it wasn't too cold to be out, and we had some fun with the blankets sue brought from home. so, without further ado, here's a little taste of my time with the beautiful, the british, the beugelinks... cue masterpiece theater theme... :-)

maggie is the family dog. she's a really good listener!

if you're ever wondering who actually won the genetic lottery, i know them personally....

i love these girls. their friendship is absolutely genuine.

please click on this shot to view it larger. such hilarious photos. even now i laugh out loud when i see them.

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