26 September 2012

loulou:: 2 months

Age: 2 months
Weight: 12 lbs.
Length: 24.5 in.
Size: 3-6 month clothes; size 2 diapers
Eyes: Blue, growing bigger and brighter by the day.
Hair: growing nicely… you had cradle cap for a couple of weeks but it seems to be going away now. i put olive oil on it each night, and comb it throughout the day.
Teeth: none
Nicknames: i call you “loulou bear” sometimes. i’ve been calling you ‘’piggy’’ this week, since now that you are no longer lacking in good, hearty chub, we can’t call you a mouse.
Sleeping: you slept a 7 hour stretch two nights ago! you seem to be establishing a bedtime for yourself around 7:30-8pm every night., have a couple of early morning feeds, and wake around 6am.
Naps: after morning breakfast[s], you usually settle for a longer stretch of sleep, then have lots of periods of wakefulness throughout the afternoon/evening until you fall asleep for the night. nothing is scheduled during the day yet.
Eating: breastmilk, and loving it still!
Movement: you are much stronger in a month’s time. you can hold up your head really well. i can carry you around without your head falling down [i still support your little neck.]. when in your bouncy chair you will bat at the little toys hanging in front of you. you snuggle with me and seem to make intentional movements of affection toward me when nursing or just being held [kissing, stroking, etc.].
Milestones: you smiled a couple of days before you were 5 weeks, at grandy, mostly! you are very smiley, now. you laughed out loud at 8 weeks to the day, at me.
Outings: you definitely went out much more this month! it is becoming easier to take you places… while mimi and grandy were here, we went to the fort in ft. langley, then again last week with aunty sarah and uncle jeremy and your cousins. we also drove to the top of mt. baker as a family, a tradition started when charlottes. was your same age. i had two appointments this month  to which you accompanied me; today’s was the dentist and two women on staff held you while I got my teeth cleaned.
Favorite toys/activities:
 you love people in your face, talking to you. you like your bouncy chair with little lamb and owl. you enjoy doing sit-ups, with mommie holding on to your hands and pulling you up. you prefer sitting up to laying down when you are awake.
Words/sounds: laughed a few days ago… you want to interact so much! you hold up your head sometime to look at me and coo. you sometime rub your face on my chest while i hold you, making a happy, high pitched, hum/squeal sound.
Memorable moments: introducing you to your gran and grandad, aunty sarah and uncle Jeremy and cousins, watching charlottes. really hold you for the first time. witnessing your milestones. we went for our first sushi outing with you a couple of weeks ago and introduced you to the sushi chef at the mission sushi restaurant we frequent. he met you excitedly and pronounced your name “rourou”.