26 November 2012

loulou:: 4 months

Age: 4 months
Weight: 15.5 lbs.
Length: 25.5-26 in. (you were kicking a lot when i measured you.)
Size: 3-6 month clothes… i have put you in outfits/clothing items that suit the season and are sized larger, but, they are baggier on you than they were on charlottes.; size 2 diapers
Eyes: dark/bright blue.
Hair: coming in a little thicker... your eyebrows are so light i think you might be fairer than charlottes.
Teeth: you are definitely working on them, gnawing on anything available
Nicknames: your aunty lealea calls you, "my other 'L'"
Sleeping: doing ok... normally you wake around 2 or 3am for a feed, then sleep until 6am, but, you have fought two colds this month, and need to nurse more in the night
Naps: you are beginning to settle into a routine, with a short morning nap (around an hour?), long nap in the afternoon when charlottes. sleeps, and a little catnap an hour before bed
Eating: milk
Movement: you really want to sit up. you are very intentional about grabbing for things even though you don't have the grip to accommodate your desire quite yet... you want everything in your mouth (quite often, your fingers are a happy choice, though you haven't yet settled on favorites.)... you are also beginning to practice rolling over.
Milestones: you took a bottle! we left you for an evening and had our bebe.sitter, sara, put you to bed. you took your first plane trip to alabama with mommie and charlottes.!
Outings: winter has arrived BC so we weren't doing a lot before we traveled south, but, we did go to the zoo whenever the weather was nice. mommie shot a wedding in kelowna, BC, and you and daddy tagged along for that.
Favorite toys/activities:  you love the crunchy taggy blanket, anything you can chew on, and stuffed animals you can cuddle. you love cuddling, and enjoyed being held by all your alabama relatives, and rocked by aunty lealea.
Words/sounds: you have become increasingly vocal, especially in the late afternoon... you have lots to "say" if you are unhappy, too.
Memorable moments: introducing you to uncle charley/aunty rachelle/brenlie/scarlett, mawmaw, aunt marty/uncle bob, aunt carrie... and aunt beth (a hilarious-yet-pitiful moment, where you frowned and cried upon seeing her, a first for you.)
you are laid-back and happy to be wherever we are… it’s so much fun to see your personality develop.