28 January 2013


Louisa-Grey Statistics

Age: 6 months
Weight:  16.5 lbs
Length: 29 inches!
Size: 9 months/6-12 months; size 3 diapers
Eyes: dark/bright blue. sparkly. you follow charlottes. around a room!
Hair: longer, light blonde.
Teeth: teething has continued throughout the month. you wear an amber teething necklace; I don’t know if it helps or not. you haven’t been fussy the past few days, so, I think you have had a break.
Nicknames: for some reason, charlottes. tries to insist on calling you “lou-la”.
Sleeping: we may try some sleep training in the coming weeks…
Naps: you have a nap in the morning, in the car if we are going out, and your afternoon nap at the same time as charlottes.
Eating: you had a couple of mummum’s this month, more because you were teething, but, i’m not really pushing you into solids quite yet. i am sure you will sleep more once i do… on a related note, i have worn spit up for months!! you are definitely spitting up MUCH less. however, you blow out your diaper at least once every day :-/.
Movement: on jan 16, you went up on your hands and knees, fully without help! it blew me away. since then, you have progressed to trying to crawl. you are so motivated to move. you rolled off charlottes.’ bed and my bed at least once each. oops.
Milestones: you started talking!
Outings: you are the perfect little tag-a-long for all the outings we go on.
Favorite toys/activities:  you like anything you can put in your mouth. we borrowed an “exersaucer” from the schuberts and you spend some time in there every day, and love it. you also really enjoy riding along in the ergo carrier.
Words/sounds: you are a gabby bebe.! you squeal and chatter away, babbling “dadadada” all the time.
Memorable moments: so many of my favorite memories involve you laughing at charlottes.~ on the hotel bed when coming home from Christmas in ft. mcmurray, cuddling with charlottes. for a few minutes before mommie settles her for naptime [new routine! i love hearing you two on the monitor.], dancing to “my girl” in the kitchen and you giggling at your sister.
a mental image of you i don’t want to forget is the night we left you with a sitter you don’t stay with often… i forgot to mention you sleep on your tummy. when we returned home, your daddy and i were so giddy at finding you on your back in the crib, with your legs straight up in the air. it was the cutest thing ever, as was seeing you awake so pleasantly and smile right at us. this story is just another example of how good-natured you are.
your daddy and i love you soooo much. we love your quirky qualities, and easy going temperament. this will sound a little superficial, but, sometimes you are more like a pet J.

05 January 2013

loulou:: 5 months

 Louisa-Grey Statistics

Age: 5 months
Weight: we neglected to weigh or measure you this month… looking forward to seeing your progress in a few weeks from now!
Size: a few 3-6 month clothes, mostly 6-12 month clothes.  size 3 diapers
Eyes: dark/bright blue. sparkly. you look for me in a room.
Hair: it sprouted this month! you have the sweetest fuzzy head. your eyelashes are long, too.
Teeth: towards the end of the month, you started teething seriously… drooling, gnawing on your fingers, a bit fussier, and up more in the night.
Nicknames: i don’t think any new nicknames came along this month.
Sleeping: your sleeping habits are becoming more interesting J. you are so easy to put to bed (you seem to want to go to bed for the night, in your cheerful way.); i nurse you and lay you down while you are still awake. you are up and nursing quite a bit in the night, beginning shortly after midnight. i think you are getting a little spoiled by cuddling in bed with mommie.
Naps: you dropped your evening catnap… you have a nap in the morning, and your afternoon nap at the same time as charlottes.
Eating: milk. you spread out your feeds during the day (this may have something to do with all the nighttime eating, though. oh my.). you drink bottles quite well on occasion.
Movement: your grip has improved so much! you roll over both ways! you REALLY want to sit up; it’s so cute to see you laying on your back and straining to sit up. you like playing on with your feet. you like to suck or chew on your index and middle fingers.
Milestones: first Christmas.
Outings: weekly breakfast at “jennifer’s house” with daddy/mommie/charlottes… went to get our Christmas tree, first long road trip to ft. mcmurray, and went for walks in the snow!
Favorite toys/activities:  your barn with soft-yet-noisy animals is your new fave. and, anything that you can teeth with.
Words/sounds: you are chatty sometimes. you laugh more frequently, too.
Memorable moments: introducing you to uncle david, and brand new cousins, breckyn and andrew. just watching you engage with all the family during the holidays was such a pleasure. you are a sweetie.