26 October 2012

loulou:: 3 months

Age: 3 months
Weight: 13.5 lbs.
Length: 25.5 in.
Size: 3-6 month clothes, which you fill out quite nicely now; size 2 diapers
Eyes: dark/bright blue.
Hair: cradle cap cleared up throughout the month, you now have a bald spot on the back of your head
Teeth: none, but, you are drooling quite a bit these days
Nicknames: i often call you “little lady”, wee bebe., and loulou-grey or loulou-greys.
Sleeping: at 10.5 weeks, you started sleeping through the night (7pm-6am)! this lasted 2 weeks J. you are awake when i put you in your crib, after i nurse you at night, and you go to sleep.
Naps: we are still unscheduled… you generally settle for a nap while charlottes. has her nap, if i lay down with you. i am hoping to get you used to napping without mommie.
Eating: milk
Movement: you easily hold your head up while on your tummy, looking around. you lay on your back and play with your jungle gym, and will reach for your owl music box in your crib and pull the cord to play music! when i put you in your bouncer, you curl up and try to sit up farther.
Milestones: sleeping through the night was pretty incredible.
Outings: you went to your first canadian rally championship in merritt… we went on a few fun outings while uncle simon/aunty karla/JB were in town, but, haven’t done a lot of outings in the past month due to charlottes.’ potty training at the beginning of the month.
Favorite toys/activities:
 you really like your jungle gym right now. you watch charlottes. and follow her every move, smiling at her when she comes close. you enjoy it when i put lotion on you, rubbing your feet and hands, especially
Words/sounds: you laugh more now, but, you don’t laugh a lot. you try to talk to us sometimes… you wait to make eye contact with us and smile so big, then sometimes coo at us
Memorable moments: introducing you to your aunties ruth and rachel, uncle simon and aunty karla, and cousin, jensen!