29 April 2013

loulou:: 9months

louisa-grey statistics::

Age: 9 months
Weight:  19 lbs
Length: 29 inches
Size: 9 months/12-18 months onesies; size 3 diapers
Eyes: beautifully blue, with very long lashes.
Hair: filling in and getting long. it’s longer than charlottes.’ was at the same age, as you got your first piggy-tails this past week (see photo).
Teeth: no new teeth all month! i have enjoyed your sweet little smile, as well as the respite from teething.
Nicknames: none this month.
Sleeping: you started sleeping thru the night during this month! this past week, you have been waking up at 6am.                                                                
Naps: your morning nap is at 10:30, and lasts an hour to hour and a half, and an afternoon nap between 2 and 4pm. you like napping in the car if we are driving somewhere in the morning.
Eating: you nurse at 6am/9am/1pm/4pm/bedtime. you snack on mummum’s and cheerios, or peas or black beans, and eat a big pureed veggie lunch (i made homemade carrot and sweet potato puree. you love both.). i mix your evening rice cereal with goat milk, now, and any leftover puree from lunch if you haven’t finished it. you like avocado as well… you grew quite constipated at twice this month, and ate prunes to help things along. you eat with much more enthusiasm than charlottes.’ did at this age; it’s such a refreshing element to this stage of your development.
Movement: you are practicing walking (while holding our hands), but, still unsteady at standing up for long periods. you climb the stairs from our living area to the toy rug (two stairs) w/o help!
Milestones: officially sleeping thru the night. standing independently. saying, “dada”, and “mamamama”. sharing a room with your sister.
Outings: you seem to enjoy our thursday morning routine of going to Bible study. the ladies in the nursery comment about how you enjoy watching the other babies and playing…
Favorite toys/activities:  you love “patty-cake”, cuddling, petting puppies, and you really love pulling charlottes.’ hair. she is incredibly patient with you. you are a busy mover of a bebe., but, ironically, you enjoy sitting still to look at books when we read them together!
 Words/sounds: you haven’t become the loud mouth i wondered you might become last month. you can still say “all done” in your own way. you say “dada”, “mamamamama”, “babababa”, and sometimes “hiiiii”.
Memorable moments: one week, i walked into the nursery after Bible study to find you on the couch, asleep, on your tummy. you were so sweet. your piggytails were memorable. we had our first family campfire over at the simpson’s this month; i did your bedtime routine outside and you slept in the stroller. you are beginning to understand and obey when we say “don’t touch” and ask you to “come”. seeing you wear mawmaw’s sweater, and my baby shoes, on Good Friday.

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