29 May 2013

loulou:: 10months

louisa-grey statistics::

Age: 10 months
Weight:  just under 19 lbs (i weighed you at 19 lbs last month and didn’t do my math right. You were 18.5 lbs)
Length: 29.5 inches
Size: 12-18 months; size 3 diapers
Eyes: blueblueblue
Hair: growing in shiny blonde, thick. i love smelling your hair.
Teeth: you had a hard month with teething, and have two awesome top chompers to show for it!
Nicknames: we usually call you by a nickname; changes daily, though, i call you “loulou.bear” frequently.
Sleeping: teething always messes up sleeping routines. you woke up in the middle of the night for at least half of the past month. sometimes around 4am, so, i just took to pulling you in bed w/ me again. you don’t sleep past 6am, but, neither does charlottes..
Naps: you typically fall asleep while nursing at 9am, now. so, i just put you down then, and aim to start afternoon nap at 1 or 1:30pm. you want to be nursed to sleep; i had you trained to just go down and you would fuss for a little while, but, somehow in the past month it’s become a daily battle of sorts.
Eating: you nurse at 6am/9am/noon/3:30pm/bedtime. and as i mentioned before, still in the middle of the night, too. you also eat something at breakfast/lunch/dinner, either a puree or finger foods, depending on what i manage to plan for you. you really love nursing still yet you really want our food. it’s funny. you don’t have the hang of eating anything with much substance to it, though.
Movement: you climbed our staircase on a couple of occasions this month (w/ supervision). you have become steadier at standing, and took at step at the cabin over may long weekend!
Milestones: top teeth! your verbal/non-verbal communication grew a ton this month as well.
Outings: we walked the fort-to-fort trail twice this past month. you rode part of the time in the stroller, and part in the carrier. even when you are teething you are pretty easy-going, and easy to take places. last saturday, daddy took us for a drive in his volvo; it was our first time all together in it! you also enjoyed being at the cabin and playing w/ charlottes., avery, and solomon.
Favorite toys/activities:  you like touching things you aren’t allowed to touch. you are learning what is off-limits in mommie/daddy’s room J. you started initiating games of peekaboo this month, and will play patty-cake anytime. in fact, as you were nursing one evening, charlottes. sat down beside me and began chanting patty-cake, to which you sat bolt upright and began clapping.
 Words/sounds: now you are loud. if you disapprove of something, we know. you enjoy squealing, too. you have a comical ability to be unhappy but still smiling while being upset; it’s like you understand the comedy of the situation. or, maybe it’s because i’m usually smiling/laughing at how cute you are when you are mad. like I mentioned previously, you communicate effectively with us. you use sign language and are trying to speak when you can. you like informing me that you are “all done” your naps. you will blow kisses and wave when asked to, and love clapping. you will say “mama” and “dada” specifically for me and daddy.
Memorable moments: you put so many things from our floor in your mouth so frequently, that one morning i saw you do so and didn’t bother to see what it was. i realized moments later that you were really enjoying it, more than normal, and thought it would be wise to check. you weren’t pleased as i deprived you of your treasure, which i thankfully did, as it was a (dead) housefly.

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