28 June 2013

loulou:: 11months

louisa-grey statistics::

Age: 11 months
Weight: 19 lbs
Length: don't know since we are traveling now, but, you appear taller this month, and more lean
Size: filling in 12-18 months; size 3 diapers
Eyes: sparkly blue like daddy's
Hair: really growing! and curling above your ears. it appears to have more curl than charlottes.'
Teeth: just four mighty chompers. you did some more teething recently but have nothing new yet.
Nicknames: "wee bebe.", "wee one"
Sleeping:: 11 hours most nights. teething usually disrupts this a bit.
Naps: two daily. your morning nap lasts anywhere from half an hour to an hour and a half, but, is typically 45 minutes. your window for going down well for your afternoon nap is around 1:30pm.
Eating: nursing five times daily, solids three times a day. you like a range of foods but i have not introduced you to a LOT of them yet. i am basically waiting for you to have more interest.
Movement: all the time! you have flirted w/ first steps but haven't walked yet
Milestones: not that this month was uneventful, but, there's nothing to record by way of the typical milestones done this month.
Outings: zoo, train ride on the kettle valley railway, travel to alabama (this was a busy, all-day event, including a bus ride and two plane rides)
Favorite toys/activities: you like playing alongside charlottes. these days
Words/sounds: dada! an emphatic ah-da (all done)!
Memorable moments: we gave you watermelon one evening and you loved it. we were highly entertained by the way you would bite it, suck on the piece, then spit it back out into your bib. daddy called you the human watermelon baller, because when you finished, your bib was filled with a bunch of perfectly round, same-sized little watermelon balls.

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